from inside out

I am really enjoying seeing how the 'mould' of the concrete wall is constructed... from inside out. The boxes are really beautiful in their cleanness of form and then i remember they are a means to an end.

1 comment:

Cally said...

Wow, you are building! Last time I checked (I only visit blogs in December) you showed the site where you would build, and now it is happening, so exciting!

I agree, the wooden form for the building is beautiful, If I lived near you I would be asking to have it when you are finished because it looks nicer than my mobile home and probably stronger too (HUGE gales today, my shed roof blew off, again, but house roof holding on).

I can't wait to see what your place will look like when it is finished, and then, even more exciting, the way you will make it home with your beautiful creations. Have a wonderful 2014 Cxxx