a month on and time to return to this space

just over a month has gone by since hili was born. in a way it seems like yesterday when she was born but it also seems like she has been with us forever :). she fills me with joy!! she began smiling yesterday!!!

being on maternity leave is a little like being in the twilight zone. days go by, mornings become evenings, the skies outside change dramatically from day to day, all of this while hili and i are in our own little world.

and there are of course my other two babies, each with their own agenda. i am enjoying it all!

and then there is this space which i have somewhat neglected. but a month on, and i am ready to return to the creative world. actually im dying to get back into it.

i have been thinking of the ideas i was working on at the beginning of my pregnancy and want to pick up where i left off but i also have many other ideas buzzing around in my head. my usual problem of finding it so hard to focus on one thing.

and with my obsession of the urban landscape still very much alive, i have also been missing my love of the natural surroundings and natures little treasures.

so i think i am going to just relax and spend some time drawing from life, getting back to the basics and playing around with some doodles.

i have missed you! xxx


Ursula Achten said...

your words sound so calm and this sky is so "wild"...;)
I felt like on a merry-go-round when I "freshly" had my twins:)
Sorry for the lack of mails but there's a parcel on the way!

shari said...

what beautiful cloudscapes. glad to hear you and hilli are doing so well. missed you too. xo

babelfish said...

So lovely to see you back and inspired by beautiful pieces of nature, your photos are full of life! Wishing you times of creatively ahead, can't wait to see the new directions this chapter of your life brings you. x

gracia said...

First smiles... glorious sky... a welcome return... ah, yes. xo